Over 50 people attending the NWAHBA’s October Lunch and Learn, including over 25 member builders and associates. Local fire departments were present to talk about Residential Fire Sprinkler systems. Fayetteville Fire Marshall, Brian Sloat, led the discussion, talked about current codes and dispelled myths about the future of mandatory sprinkler codes for Arkansas. Sloat also discussed insurance discounts for home owners with sprinklers, and explained how sprinklers work, only deploying one at a time in the resident, which saves water and water damage to the entire home.
The discussion was followed by a live fire demonstration, which can be viewed here. The first video shows a fire in a living room settling with just a smoke detector; the second video shows a fire in a room with a sprinkler system. The videos speak for themselves.
Be on the lookout for more Lunch & Learns in 2019!